7th Pay Commission: Big blow to 42 lakh central employees, know the latest update

7th Pay Commission
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CGHS ID Card latest Update – A big news is coming for government employees and pensioners. Recently the government has taken a big decision on CGHS ID card. This decision of the government has dealt a big blow to government employees and pensioners. Government employees get many benefits under CGHS ID card. Orders have now been given to link this card with Ayushman Bharat Health Account. Let us know in the news below what will be the loss and what will be the benefit to the employees and pensioners due to this decision of the government.

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The office memorandum issued by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on March 28 is becoming a cause of trouble for central employees. The reason, in that memorandum it was said that the CGHS ID card will be linked to the Ayushman Bharat Health Account of the Government of India. This card will have to be linked to Ayushman Bharat Health Account within 30 days. After this, the employees started fearing that sooner or later the government may take some major decision regarding CGHS. Which can divert employees and pensioners from CGHS.

Treatment facilities for government employees in private hospitals may end. C. Sreekumar, member of the Standing Committee of the National Council of Staff Side (JCM) and General Secretary of All India Defense Employees Federation (AIDEF), has written a letter to the Secretary of ‘Ministry of Health and Family Welfare’ in this regard last week. It said that employee organizations and JCM have not supported this decision of the Central Government.

It was not necessary to take advice from the employees.

Shrikumar has written in his letter that the decision of the Health Ministry that now the CGHS ID card will have to be linked to the Ayushman Bharat Health Account of the Government of India is surprising. Central government employees have been shocked by this decision. The Health Ministry did not even consider it necessary to take the advice of the Central Employees Organizations and the Standing Committee of the Staff Side National Council (JCM) before taking such a decision.

However, meanwhile, an official of the Health Ministry has informed the representative of the employee organization that it is not mandatory to link the CGHS ID card with the Ayushman Bharat Health Account of the Government of India. This decision will remain as an option.

There is no logic behind this decision

In his letter, Shrikumar has informed the government about the doubts of the employees and pensioners. Employees and pensioners believe that they do not see any logic behind this decision of the Health Ministry. The reason is that Ayushman Bharat Health Account (ABHA) is for general citizens, whereas CGHS covers government employees and pensioners. Ayushman works under Bharat Health Account Insurance Scheme.

In this, eligible citizens get an insurance cover of Rs 5 lakh. Its premium is paid by the government. In CGHS, a government employee deposits a fixed amount. Under this, employees get treatment facilities even in expensive private hospitals. The cost of treatment here is not limited to Rs 5 lakh. In ABHA, the government pays the premium, whereas in CGHS, the premium is paid in advance by the retired government employee. In such a situation, how can the two schemes be compared and linked together?

Private hospitals withdrawing from CGHS empanelment

CGHS beneficiaries already face many problems. There is a shortage of doctors and other staff at many wellness centres. There are not enough medicines and resources. Cashless treatment is prohibited in CGHS hospitals. Overcharge is levied at many places. Such private hospitals, which have multispecialty facilities, are removing themselves from the CGHS empanelment. Sreekumar wrote in his letter, in such a situation, linking the CGHS ID card with the Ayushman Bharat Health Account (ABHA) of the Government of India is like sprinkling salt on the wound.

Office Memorandum should be withdrawn

This is a well thought out step by the Government of India. Through this, an attempt is being made to put pressure on government employees to get treatment only in government hospitals. Employees, say goodbye to CGHS empanelment hospitals. In such a situation, Shrikumar has requested the Health Ministry to withdraw the office memorandum issued on March 28, in which it has been said to link the CGHS ID card with the Ayushman Bharat health account of the Government of India. Also, a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Staff Side National Council (JCM) should be called regarding this matter. All aspects of the employees should be heard in it.

This message went viral on social media

Last year, a screenshot of a WhatsApp chat (message) went viral on social media. It was said in it that CGHS and Ayushman Bharat Health Account are being linked. Many types of misconceptions were spreading among the beneficiaries through that message. Like, why does the government want to take that step? Were any rules of treatment in government and private hospitals to be changed by that order? At that time the Central Government had denied the message that went viral on social media.

PIB Fact Check had rejected the viral claim of linking CGHS ID with Ayushman Bharat Health Account ID. Called it completely fake. Now an office memorandum has been issued on March 28 by the Directorate General of Health Schemes of the Central Government, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. It has been said that CGHS and Ayushman Bharat Health Account should be linked.

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