H-1B Visa Registration: America is going to change the registration process of H-1B visa, know how it will affect you


The Federal Agency of America has recently issued an update for non-resident visa. The agency has said that now the process of H1-B visa registration of America will be modernised.

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If you are planning to go abroad, then this news can be useful for you. Passport is the most important document to go abroad and then visa is required. At present, their visa registration process to visit many countries has been very difficult and different process for each country. Meanwhile, an update has come for H1-B visa from America across the seven seas.

The Federal Agency of America has recently issued an update for non-resident visa. The agency has said that now the process of H1-B visa registration of America will be modernised.

The agency has decided to modernize the process of visa registration so that fraud and scams can be prevented. The agency said that some companies were wrongly luring customers through lottery for H1B visas. After which he also received complaints of fraud in many visas. To prevent this, the agency has decided to modernize the visa process.

What is H1B Visa?

H1B visa is a non-resident visa for the United States. Any Indian citizen can go abroad and do a job on this visa. On the other hand, if American companies give a job to a foreigner, then that person is allowed to work in America only after taking H1B.

IT professional is in high demand

There is a lot of demand for this visa among the IT professionals of India. Every year thousands of IT professionals from India go to America for jobs. In such a situation, this visa registration process is of their use. Now with the new technique no agent can cheat them.

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