Ola, Uber, Rapido taxis rules: Now it is necessary to get permit for these bike taxis. Check Details

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Now the rules for bike taxis have changed in Uttar Pradesh. In Lucknow, the capital of the country’s largest state, a permit for bike taxis has now become necessary. Under the latest rules, a fee of Rs 1,350 and a tax of Rs 600 per seat will have to be paid for a bike taxi permit. Along with this, companies like Uber, Ola, Rapido will no longer be able to provide their apps for private vehicles. Also, private vehicles will not be able to use these apps.

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So the rules were changed

Actually, there are many bike taxis running in the city right now, but most of them are not commercial. Despite this, they are being used commercially. Due to this, the transport department is losing revenue. Also, the change in rules will also stop the operation of illegal bike taxis. The department will issue about 500 permits in the first phase. After the change in rules, drivers using electric vehicles as taxis will also have to register their vehicles as commercial vehicles.

There was a big benefit from removing this condition

Bike taxi service was started in the city in 2018. At that time, it was said that 750 permits would be given. Out of these, 500 permits were approved for Ola, 200 for Uber and 50 for other companies. At that time, a condition was kept that the bike taxi would have to be converted to CNG within 6 months of getting the permit, but later this plan fell through. They were not getting permission to convert to CNG, due to which most of the permits were cancelled. Now this condition has been removed. With the removal of this condition, there will be no problem in getting the permit and more bike taxis will be able to run on the city roads than before.

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