NIFT recruitment 2024: 30 recruitments for Group C posts in NIFT Patna, know details

NIFT recruitment 2024: 30 recruitments for Group C posts in NIFT Patna, know details
NIFT recruitment 2024: 30 recruitments for Group C posts in NIFT Patna, know details
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NIFT recruitment 2024:National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) Patna has invited applications for 30 vacancies of Group C posts. Candidates who want to apply,

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NIFT Patna recruitment 2024: National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) Patna has invited applications for 30 vacancies of Group C posts. Candidates who want to apply can apply by visiting the official website The last date to apply is 27th March.

Let us tell you that through this recruitment drive, recruitment is being done on the posts of Administrative and Technician. Those who want to apply should read the notification carefully on the official website.

Through this recruitment, 30 vacant posts of Group C will be filled. The names of the posts are as follows.

Selection Process: To be selected in NIFT Patna Recruitment 2024, candidates will have to appear in Written Examination and Skills Test/Aptitude Test. The selection of candidates will be purely on the basis of merit list. The merit list will be prepared on the basis of written examination and skill test.

application fees

NIFT Patna Recruitment 2024 Application Fee: Let us tell you that the application fee for applying for these posts is ₹ 590. Candidates will have to deposit the application fee in demand draft drawn in favor of NIFT, payable at Patna.

NIFT Patna Recruitment 2024: How to Apply

Candidates have to visit the official website and download the application form.
Applications in the given format should be addressed to the Director, National Institute of Fashion Technology, NIFT Campus, Mithapur Farm, Patna – 800001 Bihar and superscribed “Application for the post of

Educational qualification

The educational qualifications for all these posts are different. Candidates are advised to
For complete information related to educational qualification, see the official website.

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